Investment in the Heart of our Communities Initiative

Funding Guidelines


Financed by the Province of New Brunswick The Department of Environment and Local Government and administered by Downtown New Brunswick.


1.1 In this Initiative, unless the context requires otherwise,

a) “Business Improvement Corporation” or “Business Improvement Area” or “BIA” means a non-trading corporation, the membership of which is open to non-residential users and has been incorporated for any or all of the following purposes;

  • the promotion of the business improvement area as a business or shopping area;

  • the improvement, enhancement, beautification and maintenance of municipally owned land, buildings and structures in the business improvement area, with the consent of council, beyond the level ordinarily provided by the municipality within that area;

  • the construction, operation and maintenance of public parking facilities on municipally owned land; and

  • the maintenance of an administrative structure capable of carrying out the programs of the corporation within the business improvement area;

b) “Cost-shared Project” means a project as defined in subsection 1.1 (j), which is partially funded by the BIA Investment Initiative;
c) “Department” means the Department of Environment and Local Government;
d) “Downtown New Brunswick” or “DNB” means a membership organization that acts as the unified voice of New Brunswick’s BIAs;
e) “Fiscal Year” means the period commencing on April 1 of any year and terminating on March 31 of the immediately following year;
f) “Implementing Party” means the party that has the responsibility of delivering a project as provided for in this Initiative;
g) “Initiative” or “Investment Initiative” means the five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) allocated to the Department of Local Government in the Provincial Budget for the coordination of planning initiatives, capital projects and marketing / event initiatives in and of downtowns;
h) “Minister” means the Minister of Local Government and Local Governance Reform;
i) “Local Government” means a city, town, village, regional municipality, or rural community;
j) “Project” or “Projects” means the specific activity or activities identified in Schedule “A”;
k) “Province” means the Province of New Brunswick;
l) “Selection Subcommittee” means a subcommittee of Downtown NB whose major role will be the review of project applications, and the recommendation of financial assistance for each.


2.1 A memorandum of understanding between Downtown New Brunswick and the Department related to the funding allocated for this Initiative will address the general funding of this Initiative.

2.2 The purpose of this Initiative is to support Business Improvement Areas in the development, revitalization, and promotion of downtowns in a manner consistent with the BIA’s / community’s vision and the current municipal plan. Initiative funding will focus on three areas: the preparation of detailed strategies / plans that will lay the groundwork to promote economic activity in the downtown areas, capital projects, and events. All projects must be withing the boundaries of the existing Business Improvement Area. The Initiative will support future growth and help maintain sustainable economic development in the community. The results of which are business improvement areas that attract people to shop, live, work, visit and invest in.


3.1 To achieve the objectives outlined in sub-section 2.1, each party (Downtown New Brunswick and Business Improvement Areas) may request financial assistance to pursue the projects outlined in Schedule “A” for which they are responsible.

3.2 In the implementation of this Investment Initiative, all projects shall be consistent with the objectives of this Initiative.


4.1 Downtown NB shall be responsible for administration and management of this Initiative and for communication of activities undertaken.

4.2 Downtown NB shall:

a) be responsible for the approval of all projects;
b) ensure that all contracts incorporate all relevant provisions of this Initiative;
c) establish a Selection Subcommittee that will be responsible for the evaluation of all applications, and the recommendation of projects for financial assistance;
d) be mindful of all communities with BIAs within NB; and
e) add, amend or delete projects as described in Schedule “A” hereof where it considers that the purposes and objectives would be furthered by that addition, amendment or deletion.

4.3 All decisions made by DNB will be final.

5.0 TERM

5.1 Each term will occur within one fiscal year. The term of this Initiative shall commence and take effect as of the beginning of each fiscal year (April 1) and shall terminate at the end of each fiscal year (March 31).

5.2 The final date of approval for projects under this Initiative shall be May 30, of each calendar year. No project completion date shall extend beyond March 31, of current calendar year, and no claim shall be paid unless it is received by the DNB by March 31, of current calendar year.

5.3 If all funds under this program are not utilized by the end date for the approval of projects, a second request for applications will be made.


6.1 Projects conducted as a result of this Initiative should align with the New Brunswick First Procurement Strategy.


7.1 Eligible costs for projects include reasonable costs incurred and paid by the BIA or Downtown NB hereunder that are:

a) invoiced to a party under a contract made under this Initiative for goods and services;
b) any other costs which are incurred and paid in the performance of a project hereunder as defined and determined by DNB;

but shall not include costs to BIAs which are for:

c) salaries or work-related costs normally provided by the party under contract.

7.2 Notwithstanding anything in this Initiative, the province’s contribution in respect to this Initiative shall not exceed five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000).


8.1 Proper and accurate accounts and records shall be maintained based on legislative, accounting and record retention requirements, with respect to each project which it is implementing, and these accounts and records shall be made available for audit purposes, upon request.


9.1 DNB will create a communications plan in conjunction with the Department which will enhance opportunities for appropriate recognition of the Initiative.

9.2 All public information material released by DNB in connection with this Initiative shall be in both official languages.

9.3 Public announcements of an activity under this Initiative shall be coordinated with DNB and the BIA.


10.1 No member of the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick shall be admitted to any share or part of any contract or agreement made pursuant to this Initiative, or to any benefit arising therefrom.

10.2 All projects carried out under this Initiative which are funded in whole or in part will be subject to local government by-laws and all provincial and federal legislation.



This schedule provides a brief description of the eligible applicants, the type of projects that are eligible for funding; the level of funding for each type of project; the approval process and the process for payment of claims.

2.0 Eligible Applicants

2.1 Downtown New Brunswick
2.2 Business Improvement Areas of the Province of New Brunswick:

  • are constituted under and in accordance with the Business Improvement Areas Act of the Province of New Brunswick; and

  • are current members in good standing with Downtown New Brunswick.

3.0 Eligible Projects

3.1 Downtown New Brunswick Administration

  • Part-time human resources specifically hired to help roll out the Initiative, including travel, meeting arrangements, reporting, accounting, translation and administration costs;

  • Only available to Downtown New Brunswick.

3.2 Planning

  • Long range strategic or neighbourhood plan for the BIA, including research and preparation of background information, and conducting public meetings;

  • Creation of an urban design master plan, including detailed planning requirements to implement this urban plan;

  • A long-term downtown marketing and branding strategy, including the creation of specific marketing initiatives;

  • BIAs can apply for 50% - 75% to a maximum of $10,000 available under this category.

  • Available to any BIA that qualifies for funding.

3.3 Capital Projects

  • Capital and Streetscape Beautification projects that will help make a community's downtown more attractive, safe, distinctive to their unique brand, and pedestrian-friendly, helping to drive community vibrancy and development. Streetscape improvements create safe and attractive retail areas that help BIAs, and their members sustain and grow business.

  • BIAs can apply for a grant of 40% - 75% to a maximum of $20,000

  • Available to any BIA that qualifies for funding.

3.4 Events / Marketing – Special Projects

  • Special events / projects may include festivals & events; educational & cultural initiatives; recreation & tourism activities; arts, culture & heritage; that will provide benefits, attract the public and provide development opportunities to the BIA. All events must be in the boundaries of the BIA;

  • BIA can apply for a grant of up to a maximum of $5,000 / event.

  • Available to any BIA that qualifies for funding.

4.0 Ineligible Projects

4.1 The types of projects and costs which are not eligible for funding under this initiative include:

a) all costs related to employees of the local government or BIA, including wages, administrative costs, and other costs that are normally borne by the municipality or BIA; and
b) in-kind costs or contributions.

5.0 Level of Funding

5.1 Downtown New Brunswick is eligible for 100% funding for projects identified in Section 3.1 of Schedule “A” to a maximum of $50,000.

5.2 BIAs that qualify for funding are eligible for up to as percentage of eligible costs to a maximum as identified per project; these projects being those identified in Section 3.2, Section 3.3, and Section 3.4 of Schedule “A”.

6.0 Approval Process

a) All applications from each BIA will be submitted to the Downtown NB and arranged in priority sequence by the BIA before submission.
b) Applications that are received by May 31 of each fiscal year will be evaluated for financial assistance in the first round. Application received by the second deadline of June 15 of each fiscal year will be evaluated for financial assistance if any funds are remaining.
c) A Selection Subcommittee of assigned members of the DNB Board / Executive will review and assess all applications.
d) The top project in each BIA, based on the BIA’s advised priority, will be evaluated for assistance; followed by the second layer of projects from each BIA that submitted more than one. This process will continue until the completion of all submitted projects or the commitment of all funds under this Initiative.
e) Downtown NB will use the recommendations from the Selection Subcommittee to decide on which projects will receive approval for financial assistance.
f) Approval of applications will be confirmed by a letter of commitment issued by DNB, outlining any terms, conditions and payment procedures.
g) BIAs will be required to sign an MOU with DNB confirming the project, dates of completion and expectations of reporting.
h) DNB has the right to refuse the project.

7.0 Payment Process

a) All claims for approved projects must be submitted to DNB before March 15, of each fiscal, and be supported by copies of paid invoices and cancelled cheques.
b) Any costs incurred in relation to the project proposal prior to May 3, of current calendar year, will not be reimbursed.
c) All projects must adhere to the policies developed for New Brunswick’s Business Improvement Areas Investment Initiative.
d) A final report on each project supported under this Initiative must be received by Downtown NB from the BIA before the final payment is released.

8.0 General

8.1 All applications must have a letter of support by the host local government.
8.2 Any other source of funding for the project from the Federal Government or Provincial Government must be identified on the application form and provided in the final report including all dollars that have been leveraged.
8.3 All costs must be approved by Downtown NB before any work is done.
8.4 All eligible projects must be within the boundaries of the existing BIA.
8.5 Downtown NB will provide a report of approved projects following each intake round as described in this document. The number of reports will depend on the number of intakes required to disperse the funds for this Initiative.
8.5 Downtown NB will provide the Department with a full report of the projects completed.